"Meeting God or Something Like It"
Seven Short Stories by Morrie Ruvinsky

"Every story is worth reading. Some of them are miraculous.”— Earl Pomerantz,writer/producer

“Brilliant” —Teri Brown, artist

“I love, love, love it.”—RandiJohnson,political activist

“I want more. These stories are full of both ancient wisdom and pertinent 21st century meaning. They cross the barriers of age, gender and nationality and resonate with the kind of content readers are yearning for in our complicated world. Now write more...”—Tisha, Professor

“It's as if Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isaac Bashevis Singer were working together at Ruvinsky's keyboard."—Irving Meyer,attorney

“I laughed out loud, and that was but one of the small miracles that followed me through these stories.” – Danny Singer,philosopher

“Extraordinary!"—Ralph Phillips, writer/producer

“The short stories by Morrie Ruvinsky brought forth in me emotions that I had not felt in a long time. His images are incredibly clear and wonderful.”—Alfred Pariser, business execurtive
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 "When I was asked to pick out a  representative story, I couldn't find one. No two stories are alike, and no two characters. I picked "A Bedtime Conversation Regarding Delays in the Second Coming" because it's profound, it's funny, and it's short." --M.R.

story thread press